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Printed facsimile books
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Prices may vary from the guidelines we supplied to Amazon, so we don't display the prices here. All books are sized 254mm x 178mm / 10" x 7", irrespective of the size of the original. The grade of paper used is heavier, resulting in books typically 40% thicker.
British Railways - Summer 1955
London Midland

North Eastern

Great Western Railway · Service Timetables · 1931
Service timetables were issued to GWR employees. In 15 sections, they listed every scheduled train of all classes – passenger, mail, milk and other perishable goods, general goods, minerals, coal, and the like, for every main and branch line and mineral railway. Additionally, the September 1931 timetable recorded the paths reserved for summer-only services, which were marked as “suspended”.
The original timetables were printed on cheap paper over 90 years ago and are yellowed and brittle. The scans have been whitened but any imperfections in the originals will remain.
The 2,500 pages for a full set of service timetables are presented in two volumes. Part 1 covers London and the South West; Part 2 covers Wales and the South Midlands. The geographical split causes some unavoidable minor overlaps and Part 2 is necessarily the larger volume because so much of the network is in Wales, but making a single volume is, unfortunately, not possible.
In this facsimile, the original pages are mostly presented two per sheet, with the print size approximately 80% of the original. 982 pages become 504 pages in Part 1, and 1,506 pages become 770 pages in Part 2. Page numbering resets within each section.
PDF download also available (see below - "Big Four [UK]" category).
Part 1
- London And Didcot, London And Banbury, Via Bicester And Via Oxford.
- Hammersmith And City Line, Kensington (Addison Road), And Ealing (Broadway) And Liverpool Street Via Wood Lane.
- Reading,Newbury, Chippenham, Westbury And Weymouth, And Cheltenham Spa & Andover Junction.
- Didcot, Bristol, Highbridge, Standish Junc., And Severn Tunnel Junc.
- Highbridge, Castle Cary, Kingswear And Ashburton Junction
- Ashburton Junction And Penzance
Part 2
7. Swindon, Gloucester, Cardiff And Pyle.
8. Newport And Blaenavon, Brynmawr, Pontypridd, New Tredegar, And Talyllyn Junction
9. Cardiff (Bute Road) And Merthyr
10. Pyle Sand Siding, Neyland And Fishguard Harbour
11. Pontypool Road, Aberdare And Neath Junction
12. Shrewsbury, Worcester, Hereford, Pontypool Road And Newport
13. Aynho Junction, Wolverhampton, Dudley And Stourbridge Junction And Birmingham, Stratford-On-Avon, Cheltenham And Bristol.
14. Wolverhampton, Chester, Birkenhead And Manchester
15. Oxford To Worcester And Wolverhampton
PDF downloads
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Prices are quoted in GBP (UK Pounds). Payments are made in local currency at the exchange rate prevailing at the time. The table shows the estimated price in several leading currencies.
You can use credit/debit cards, Paypal, G-Pay, Apple Pay, and others. The options may vary in your country.
There are no sales taxes to pay.
Currency conversion table (estimates)
6.00 | 8.00 | 10.20 | 10.80 | 930 | 7.30 |
8.00 | 10.60 | 13.60 | 14.40 | 1240 | 9.80 |
10.00 | 13.30 | 17.00 | 18.00 | 1550 | 12.20 |
12.00 | 16.00 | 20.40 | 21.60 | 1860 | 14.60 |
15.00 | 20.00 | 25.50 | 27.00 | 2325 | 18.30 |
18.00 | 23.90 | 30.60 | 32.40 | 2790 | 22.00 |
20.00 | 26.60 | 34.00 | 36.00 | 3100 | 24.40 |
22.00 | 29.30 | 37.40 | 39.60 | 3410 | 26.80 |
25.00 | 33.30 | 42.50 | 45.00 | 3875 | 30.50 |
30.00 | 39.90 | 51.00 | 54.00 | 4650 | 36.60 |
32.00 | 42.60 | 54.40 | 57.60 | 4960 | 39.00 |
35.00 | 46.60 | 59.50 | 63.00 | 5425 | 42.70 |
40.00 | 53.20 | 68.00 | 72.00 | 6200 | 48.80 |
World excluding Europe
UK & Ireland Public Timetables
Bradshaw's Guides (45)
British Railways 1948-73 bundles (43)
Eastern Region 1948 - 1973 (43)
Great Britain 1923-47 (2)
Great Britain 1948-93 (5)
Great Britain pre-1923 (25)
Great Western Railway 1923-47 (20)
Ireland & Northern Ireland (19)
London Midland & Scottish Railway 1923-47 (24)
London Midland Region 1948 - 1973 (44)
London North Eastern Railway 1923-47 (33)
National Rail Timetables 1974-2007 (55)
Network Rail ERT 2007-202x (35)
North Eastern Region 1948 - 1967 (39)
Scotland Region 1948 - 1973 (44)
Southern Railway 1923-47 (16)
Southern Region 1948 - 1973 (46)
Western Region 1948 - 1973 (45)